OSIsoft Partnership
The 838 team has partnered with industry leading OSIsoft whom delivers the PI System, the industry standard in enterprise historians, as the core of its enterprise wide real-time infrastructure. The PI System is commercially proven, with installations in 107 countries spanning the globe, the OSIsoft PI System is used in manufacturing, energy, utilities, life sciences, data centers, facilities, and the process industries. This global installed base relies upon the PI System to safeguard data and deliver enterprise-wide visibility into operational, manufacturing and business data. The PI System enables users to manage assets, mitigate risks, comply with regulations, improve processes, drive innovation, make business decisions in real-time, and identify competitive business and market opportunities. OSIsoft is a global operation with over 800 employees worldwide, focused entirely on our best-in-class real time information management system.
OSIsoft delivers the PI System, the best-in-class real-time enterprise historian. The PI System collects data from any device at any speed, stores it securely and efficiently, and delivers information in robust reports and visualization for operations and analysis including capabilities for predictive and forecasting applications. OSIsoft has been in business for over 30 years and has over 16,000 PI System customers worldwide. The PI System is recognized as the industry standard infrastructure for managing real-time data.
The 838 team partnered with OSIsoft as a PI integration company and has the products and the expertise to design a system to monitor, collect, store, visualize, analyze, and report data from any source. As long as our team can access the data from the resources, there will be an unlimited amount of information for which we can provide data. Importantly, with that data, we can proactively trend that data to provide future models for planning.