A New Standard in Safety
838 Inc. is a Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business with over 25 years of safety management systems and leadership experience applying advanced safety concepts in the aviation and oil and gas industries. The team is made up of former military aviators, who are part of the elite corps of fighter pilots that have worked in commercial aviation safety departments, on regulatory compliance, Safety Management Systems (SMS) implementation and software. The team has worked globally and has extensive experience and in depth understanding of what it takes to succeed in high risk environments.
Safety and Training Experts
We Provide a Wide Range of Services Including:
- Government Contracting (Federal/State)
- Common Operating Picture Software
- Unmanned Aircraft System Support
- OSIsoft Pi Integration
- Aviation Services and Safety
- Safety Management Systems development
- Innovative Training Solutions
- Program Management
- Augmented Reality
- Data Mining and proactive trending
- Oversight Safety Audit development
- Leadership Training
- High Risk Industry Analysis and coaching
Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business
The United States Government sets aside contract benefits for companies considered as ‘Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business (SDVOSB.) Presidential Executive Order 13360 calls for a significant increase in contracting opportunities for SDVOSB’s and for all Federal agencies to develop a strategic plan to significantly increase its contracting and subcontracting with small businesses owned and controlled by service-disabled veterans. 838 Inc. Primes Federal and State contracts that satisfy this SDVOSB requirement.
Oil and Gas
The 838 Inc. team has extensive experience operating on the OCS as well as the North Slope of Alaska working in the oil and gas industry. 838 Inc. is focused on revolutionizing the oil and gas industry using collaborative Common Operating Picture Software to give Operators real time situational awareness. Additionally, the team has delivered Rig Training, Strategic Communications, Executive/Crew Leadership, Facilitated Events, Checklists, Culture Survey, Hazard Identification, and Keynote Services.
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
838 Inc. has significant demonstrated Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) experience in domestic and global IFR operations as aircraft operators and managers of command and control (C2) platforms. We have designed policies and procedures for complex operations control centers and have managed the use of technology to support control of onboard and ground flight systems. 838 Inc. has been on the front of UAS operations certifications with the FAA and the design and implementation of Safety Management (SMS) related to UAS operations.
The aviation community is leading other industries in forward thinking for System Safety; therefore, providing a perfect safety model to emulate. 838 Inc. delivers optimum capabilities to customers while keeping costs, in any economy, to a minimum. We deliver services to high risk/high reliability operators based on lessons learned and experience in safety, quality and risk management in the world’s largest airlines, but tailor the offering to the size, sophistication and affordability to aviation and oil and gas customers.
Innovative Technology
The 838 Inc. team has partnered with several industry leaders in technology. We use these strategic partnerships to provide revolutionary innovative technology to solve traditional problems by using technology that has been proven in the military.
Common Operating Picture Software
The 838 Inc. team works closely with partners that have developed U.S. Army and Marine Corps Command and Control Software to provide commercially available Common Operating Software to customers.
Augmented Reality
838 Inc. is a small business partner of a well-known Research Institute and is currently working on developing Augmented Reality projects which give the user a live direct or indirect view of a physical, real-world environment.
Data Aggregation
The 838 team has partnered with industry leading OSIsoft whom delivers the PI System, the industry standard in enterprise historians, as the core of its enterprise wide real-time infrastructure.
Houston Training Center
The 838 Inc. team has built a training center in Houston to provide world-class training on a number of different topics, i.e., Incident Management, Incident Investigation, Human Factors, Checklist Implementation, etc. The Common Operating Picture software will be also highly utilized to provide Emergency Management, Operations and Logistics simulation and training.
Additional Services
In addition to the above four main business vertical focuses, 838 Inc. has developed complimentary services based on customer requests. These additional products and services are core capabilities of 838 Inc. that have been developed through years of military and high-risk safety and training expertise.
Leadership Development
Program Management
Course Development
High Risk Safety and Training
About 838 Inc.
The team is made up of experts in the aviation and oil and gas industries with program management, training, safety systems, software and leadership experience applying military leadership, crisis management and training concepts to all industries. The core 838 Inc. team is made up of former military aviators, who are part of the elite corps of fighter pilots that have worked in commercial aviation safety departments, oil and gas drilling and production, on regulatory compliance, Safety Management Systems (SMS) implementation and Data Aggregation/Common Operating Picture software. The team has experience to adjust to a fluid environment and has worked globally with extensive history and in-depth understanding of what it takes to succeed in high-risk environments.